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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Update on Amanda's Dad

I was hoping to give better updates on Tony's situation today, but I did not get to communicate with Amanda much and I was not clear on what was happening. So I withheld from posting an update as I was not sure what the news was. After thinking about this and realizing that a lot of people are hoping for even the small amount of information I am getting I decided to start posting what I get.

This morning I talked to Amanda. She was on the way to the YMCA with her mom who was going to take a shower. The hospital staff has been wonderful. They located some blankets and pillows for them to use last night and the three of them (Amanda, her mom and her sister) slept in the waiting room. The staff also was lenient on the visiting hours rule and did not make them leave. Amanda said the Nurses have been caring, compassionate, and informative.

She mentioned that 2 Doctors this morning gave discouraging prognosis about Tony's mental state. They don't fell that he mentally survived the heart failures. One, according to Amanda, lacked any bed side manner and was quite blunt with his negative assessment. Tony was still not well enough to be moved for a Cat Scan. They were still waiting for the Neurologist to give them his opinion.

This afternoon they will still waiting for the Neurologist to talk to them. Amanda however was very upbeat that her dad was recovering. She stated that he responded to her touching his foot. She also felt that he was moving one side of his body. I was very surprised by this sudden attitude change and I am still confused of what was going on at this time.

Amanda gave me a quick call tonight to give me an update from ICU. After talking to the Neurologist tonight, it was decided to take Tony off life support tonight. He is breathing on his own currently. I am not sure if this is positive news, Amanda could not talk for more than the quick 1 minute call. I am afraid that if she is not wanting to step out to give me a better update that they are fearing for this to be a negative move.

Please pray for God to do his will


Astraea said...

I'm so sorry that I'm just reading about this. We will be praying for Tony and his girls. Thank you for updating. Tell Amanda that we love her so much. Let me know if you need anything!

God's plan is not always ours, but it is good.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you and your family ... I'm so sorry about this. Love you all very much. Please let me know if I can help!

Love, Angee

Sarah and the boys said...

Amanda, Clint and Kyle, you and your family are in our hearts and in our prayers. Please don't hesitate to let us know if you need anything, I am home during the day if you need a sitter for Kyle. Love you guys, Sarah, Alex & Andy

Aurora said...

Thank you so very much for the updates Clint. Since they are so far away, I feel so helpless. Know that all of the Ponce's friends here in Yuma are asking God to grant the family strength during this difficult time. Take care of yourself and Kyle too!

Anonymous said...

Amanda, Clint, Kyle, Amanda's mom and sister,
You are all in my prayers during this very difficult time. Praying God will give strength, comfort and peace to you all!!!
Amanda McMains (from Jacobson)

Anonymous said...


I am so sorry. You are in my thoughts and prayers during this very difficult time.