Update on Kyle: yes, he STILL butt scoots. He never got into crawling "normally." We can't keep up with him though because he moves so fast. He loves to PLAY, swim, wave bye-bye, blow and give kisses, point to things with his pointer finger, stand up and walk along things, dance, talk loudly, and eat big boy foods (especially beans, rice, green beans, and anything made with potatoes). His 7 teeth help with all this eating. Kyle's "vocabulary" consists of: "Maaa-ma, DaDa, Daaa-d, Taaa-ta, dat (that), and no, no, no (we've had to say this A LOT lately). He's into everything from drawers, cabinets, and bedrooms. Funny thing is, when he takes things out, he knows how to put them back. YES!!!
The next update we will have pictures from his 1st bday party. I can't believe my doodlebug is already a one-year-old! He is such a blessing to us! Words can't express how much love and fun this child bring to us everyday! God gave us a beautiful gift!
Take me to the ballgame for flavored ice because I'm teething.
What a place! The weather was perfect for Kyle's first ballgame!
We love Grandma Gerry!
Here I am in Daddy's tree at Grandma Gerry's. I'm a little bigger this time!
Kyle is enjoying the suite life! Kyle's 1st Hotel stay.
I love my Daddy!
I love my Mommy too!
Splashing with Mommy in the water!
You found me!
Hey, my doggie needs to get in here so we can play!
Kyle sucker punched Elmo! "Be gentle Kyle!"
Love those baby blues!
Me and my buddy Andy!
The dads have things in control! What a good looking bunch!
Yikes... the moms need a little help from the dads! The kids are going wild!
We are so blessed to have such good friends!
Summertime equals: one shoe on and a yummy popsicle with Tata Tony and Nana Fucy!
I'm hiding from you!
So... do you like my new haircut?!